通讯地址:辽宁省本溪高新技术产业开发区华佗大街26号 | 邮编:117004
工作经历: 1985年1月起沈阳药科大学
教学/指导研究生情况: 每年5名硕士,1-2名博士,已经毕业硕士约80人,博士20人
1. 国家执业药师资格考试大纲和应试指南 (2003版,2007版,2011版,2015版)的编写。
2. 《药物化学》国家级规划教材(第四版、第五版、第六版、第七版2011和第八版2016)编写,人民卫生出版社
3. 《药物化学》国家级规划教材(第一版2004年、第二版2008年、第三版2016年)编写,化学工业出版社
4. 《药物化学》规划教材(第一版1999年、第二版2010年)编写高等教育出版社
5. 《药物化学》制药工程专业(第一版)主编,人民卫生出版社,2014
1. 代表性论文:
Linwei Li, Yanan Zhou, Zhengjun Wang, ChengjunWu, Zhen Li, Changshan Sun, Tiemin Sun,⁎Theoretical studies on themechanismof sugammadex for the reversal of aminosteroid-induced neuromuscular blockade,Journal of Molecular Liquids 265 (2018) 450-456
2. Linwei Li , Chengjun Wu , Zhen Li , Weibin Xie , Xin Guo , Zhixu Zhou ,Tiemin Sun*. Conformational and characterization of benidipine hydrochloride polymorphs: Spectroscopic and computational modeling investigations. J. Mol. Struct. 1164 (2018) 493-500.
3. Bolin Zhu, Yaqi Yao, Yu Zhao, Tiemin Sun, Qing Li. Study on the HPLC‐based separation of some ezetimibe stereoisomers and the underlying stereorecognition process. Chirality. 2018;1-10.
4. Zhiqiang Wang, Linwei Li, Zhixu Zhou, Yiding Geng, Yu Chen, and Tiemin Sun*, Design, Synthesis, Configuration Research, and In Vitro Antituberculosis Activities of two Chiral Naphthylamine Substituted Analogs of Bedaquiline, J. Heterocyclic. Chem. 54, 1024-1030. (2017).
5. Zhiqiang Wang, Chenjun Wu, ZhenhunWang, Chao Huang, Jian. Huang, Jinhui Wang, Tie-Min Sun**, Determination of absolute configuration of an isopimarane-type diterpenoid by experimental and theoretical electronic circular dichroism and vibrational circular dichroism. J. Mol. Struct. 2017 1146.
6. Zhen Li, Yude Wang, Sheng Chen, Linwei Li, Tiemin Sun*, Conformations and interactions in pasiniazid: A spectroscopic and computational characterization. J. Mol. Struct. 1133 (2017) 179-186.
7. Linwei Li, Chengjun Wu, Yang Ma, Shuhao Zhou, ZhenLi, TieminSun*, Effectively enhancing the enantioseparation abilityof β-cyclodextrin derivatives by de novo design andmolecular modeling. Analyst. 2017,142, 3699–3706 .
8. Hui Lei , Xiuping Lin , Li Han ,Jian Ma , Qingjuan Ma , Jialiang Zhong , Yonghong Liu ,Tiemin Sun, Jinhui Wang and Xueshi Huang ,* New Metabolites and Bioactive Chlorinated Benzophenone Derivatives Produced by a Marine-Derived Fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis. Mar. Drugs. 2017, 15, 69.
9. Yu Chen , Jin-Long Tian , Jing-Shuai Wu, TieMin Sun, Li-Na Zhou, Shao-Jiang Song , Song You, Biotransfomation of cyperenoic acid by Cunninghamella elegans AS 3.2028 and the potent anti-angiogenic activities of its metabolites. Fitoterapia. 118 (2017) 32-37
10. Zhixu Zhou, Zhiqiang Wang , Linwei Li, Ke Zhang, Qing Peng, Shuyun Wang, Jinhui Wang, Jian Huang, Tiemin Sun*,The stereochemistry of baishouwubenzophenone, a unique atropisomer from C wilfordii. J. Mol. Struct. 1125 (2016) 370-373.