通讯地址:辽宁省本溪高新技术产业开发区华佗大街26号 邮编:117004
兼职情况:中国化学会会员,环境科学、Journal of Environmental Management、Journal of Cleaner Production等期刊的审稿人。
1. 辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金项目,20180540034,Fe/Ce/MOFs复合材料活化过硫酸盐降解水中有机物研究,2018.08-2020.07,主持。
2. 辽宁省教育厅青年项目,2017LQN04,超声波辅助Fe-MOFs活化过硫酸盐降解抗生素研究,2017/09-2020/09,主持。
3. 沈阳药科大学中青年教师事业发展支持计划“中青年骨干人才培育计划”项目,ZQN2016026,吸附-高级氧化组合工艺深度处理水中抗生素效能研究,2017/03-2020/03,主持。
[1] Sijia Li, Jianan Cui, Xia Wu, Xuan Zhang, Qi Hu*, Xiaohong Hou*. Rapid in situ microwave synthesis of Fe3O4@MIL-100(Fe) for aqueous diclofenac sodium removal through integrated adsorption and photodegradation [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 408-416 (SCI, IF= 6.434).
[2] Juan Liu, Xia Wu, Jingjing Liu, Conglu Zhang, Qi Hu*, Xiaohong Hou*. Ofloxacin degradation by Fe3O4-CeO2/AC Fenton-like system: optimization, kinetics, and degradation pathways [J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical, 2019, 456: 61-67 (SCI, IF= 4.397).
[3] Juan Liu, Jianan Cui, Tianyu Zhao, Siyang Fan, Conglu Zhang, Qi Hu*, Xiaohong Hou*. Fe3O4-CeO2 loaded on modified activated carbon as efficient heterogeneous catalyst [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 565: 59-69 (SCI, IF=2.829).
[4] Jian Peng, Enhui Wu, Nannan Wang, Xingxing Quan , Mingze Sun, Qi Hu*. Removal of sulfonamide antibiotics from water by adsorption and persulfate oxidation process [J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 274: 632-638 (SCI, IF=4.513).
[5] Yudan Wang, Yang Zhang, Jianan Cui, Shuo Li, Ming Yuan, Ting Wang, Qi Hu*, Xiaohong Hou*. Fabrication and characterization of metal organic frameworks/polyvinyl alcohol cryogel and their application in extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in water samples [J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1022:45-52 (SCI, IF=5.123).
[6] Qi Hu, Liru Fan, Da-Wen Gao. Pilot-scale investigation on the treatment of wastewater from cellulosic ethanol biorefinery [J], Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309, 409-416 (SCI, IF=6.735).
[7] Da-Wen Gao, Qi Hu, Hongyu Pan, Jiping Jiang, Peng Wang*, High-capacity adsorption of aniline using surface modification of lignocellulose-biomass jute fibers [J]. Bioresource Technology , 2015, 193, 507-512 (SCI, IF=5.807).
[8] Qi Hu, Da-Wen Gao*, Hongyu Pan, LinlinHao and Peng Wang*. Equilibrium and kinetics of aniline adsorption onto crosslinked sawdust-cyclodextrin polymers [J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 40071-40077 (SCI, IF=2.936).
[9] Da-Wen Gao*, Qi Hu, Chen Yao, Nan-Qi Ren. Treatment of domestic wastewater by an integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor under moderate to low temperature conditions [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 159, 193-198 (SCI, IF=5.807).
[10] Da-Wen Gao*, Qi Hu, Chen Yao, Nan-Qi Ren, Wei-Min Wu. Integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor for domestic wastewater treatment [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 240, 362-368 (SCI, IF=6.735).
[11] Da-Wen Gao*, Qi Hu. Bio-contact oxidation and greenhouse-structured wetland system for rural sewage recycling in cold regions: A full-scale study [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2012, 49, 249-253 (SCI, IF=3.023).
[12] Nannan Wang, Qi Hu, Linlin Hao, Q. Zhao. Degradation of Acid Organic 7 by modified coal fly ash‑catalyzed Fenton‑like process: kinetics and mechanism study [J], International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16: 89-100 (SCI, IF=2.037).
[13] Xiaoli Huang, Qi Hu, Lei Gao, Qirui Hao, Peng Wang, Dongli Qin. Adsorption characteristics of metal-organic framework MIL-101(Cr) towards sulfamethoxazole and its persulfate oxidation regeneration [J], RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 27623-27630 (SCI, IF=2.936).
[14] Yue Li, Qi Hu, Da-Wen Gao. Dynamics of archaeal and bacterial communities in response to variations of hydraulic retention time in an integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor treating benzothiazole wastewater [J], Archaea, 2018, 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9210534 (SCI, IF=1.756).
[15] Yue Li, Qi Hu, Chunhong Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Da-Wen Gao*. Performance and microbial community structure in an integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor treating synthetic benzothiazole contaminated wastewater [J], Bioresource Technology, 2017, 236, 1-10 (SCI, IF=5.807).
[16] Jianhua Qu, Xianlin Meng , Qi Hu, Hong You. A novel two-stage evaluation system based on a Group-G1 approach to identify appropriate emergency treatment technology schemes in sudden water source pollution accidents [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 23(3), 2789-2801 (SCI, IF=2.800).
[17] LinlinHao, Tong Zheng, Jiping Jiang, Qi Hu, Xilan Li, Peng Wang*, Removal of As(III) from water using modified jute fibres as a hybrid adsorbent [J], RSC Advance, 2015, 5, 10723-10732 (SCI, IF=2.936).
[18] XiaodongXin, Junguo He, Lin Li, JinghanFeng, Zhidan Wen, Qi Hu, Wei Qiu*, Jie Zhang. Solubilizationaugmentation and bacterial community responses triggered by co-digestion of a hydrolytic enzymes blend for facilitating waste activated sludge hydrolysis process [J], Chemical Engineering Journal,2016, 284, 979-988 (SCI, IF=6.735).
[19] Qi Hu, Peng Wang*, Jiping Jiang, Hongyu Pan, Da-Wen Gao. Column adsorption of aniline by a surface modified jute fiber and its regeneration property [J], Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2016, 4(2), 2243-2249 (EI).
[20] 隋力新, 胡奇, 高大文. 常温厌氧MBR中微生物群落结构与膜污染研究, 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(1): 110-115 (EI).
[21] 胡奇, 胡豫娟, 高大文. 臭氧氧化法强化处理纤维素乙醇废水研究, 工业水处理, 2017, 37(2): 79-83.
[22] 胡奇, 李玉立, 潘红玉, 郑彤, 高大文, 王鹏. 改性木屑对水中苯胺的动态吸附研究, 环境工程学报, 2016, 10 (9), 4663-4667.
[23] 胡奇, 高大文, 马放, 游空. 潜流湿地组合工艺处理高寒区活污水工程研究, 中国给水排水, 2011, 27 (23): 100-103.
[24] 李玥, 胡奇, 高大文. 温度对一体式厌氧流化床膜生物反应器运行效能及微生物群落结构的影响, 环境科学, 2018, 39(4): 1731-1738.
[25] 齐桂满, 胡奇, 范利茹, 高大文. SBR法短程硝化处理纤维素乙醇废水的中试研究, 环境工程学报, 2017, 04: 2299-2303.
[26] 潘红玉, 胡奇, 李玉立, 郑彤, 王鹏. 微波辅助酸酐改性黄麻吸附水中苯胺性能研究, 环境工程学报, 2016, 10 (6), 2869-2874.
[27] 李龙伟, 胡奇, 魏启航, 高大文. 电絮凝法预处理石油裂化催化剂废水的试验研究. 工业水处理, 2016, 36 (2), 43-47.
[28] 胡豫娟, 胡奇, 高大文. Fenton氧化法深度处理纤维素乙醇废水. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10 (10), 5653-5657.
[29] 李龙伟, 胡奇, 魏启航, 李耀彩, 胡威夷, 高大文. CANON工艺处理石油催化剂废水的性能研究. 环境科学学报, 2016, 36 (4), 1205-1211.
[30] 陈光光, 胡奇, 李耀彩, 胡威夷, 高大文. 电絮凝法处理石油裂化催化剂废水试验研究, 环境工程学报, 2015, 9(10): 4850-4856.
[31] 赵小晶, 胡奇, 陈扬, 胡威夷, 周戈, 袁青, 高大文. 短程硝化处理炼油催化剂废水, 环境工程学报, 2014, 8 (5): 1951-1955.